Project Ideas

Manufactured food preventive controls project ideas for animal and human food

The Manufactured Food Training Grant Program includes funding for Preventive Controls for Animal and Human food training courses.  The program is designed to fund projects that allow State, local, tribal, or territorial regulatory agencies that oversee the safety of manufactured food (human and/or animal food) to deliver and/or send their staff members to FSPCA Preventive Controls training courses and lead the trainer courses.

FSPCA animal food training needs

  • Projects that send an agency’s staff members to attend FSPCA for Animal Food Courses, covering registration fees and travel costs as needed.
  • Projects that fund the delivery of FSPCA for Animal Food Courses within an agency, allowing the agency to provide local and/or regional training for their staff members, including reimbursement of registration fees and travel costs as needed.
  • Projects that fund an agency staff person to attend the FSPCA for Animal Food Lead Trainer Course, and then deliver the FSPCA for Animal Food Training Course to agency staff members, including reimbursement of registration fees and travel costs as needed.
  • Projects that combine aspects of two or more of the project ideas listed above.

FSPCA human food training needs

  • Projects that send an agency’s staff members to attend FSPCA for Human Food Courses, covering registration fees and travel costs as needed.
  • Projects that fund the delivery of FSPCA for Human Food Courses within an agency, allowing the agency to provide local and/or regional training for their staff members, including reimbursement of registration fees and travel costs as needed.
  • Projects that fund an agency staff person to attend the FSPCA for Human Food Lead Trainer Course, and then deliver the FSPCA for Human Food Training Course to agency staff members, including reimbursement of registration fees and travel costs as needed.
  • Projects that combine aspects of two or more of the project ideas listed above.

Note: A single agency should not request both FSPCA Animal Food and FSPCA Human Food training in a single application, since Animal Food and Human Food training will be funded and scored separately. If a single agency has manufactured food responsibilities for both animal food and human food, they may apply for funding for up to two (2) projects, one (1) for animal food and one (1) for human food.